Friday, June 14, 2024

Sota summit TK-048 Punta Muro 4 points 12th June 2024

 Straightforward summit with a nice activation spot

The route starts from the main road at Col de Sorba where there is ample parking.

The route proceeds up the "spine" of the hill in a straight line, initially up past a concrete hut which can just be seen ion the photo above.  It is fairly well marked with cairns but care must be taken when there are rocky outcrops to ensure you stay on the correct side.


There were a few rocks to scramle over and the fir cone carpet made the going a bit slippery, but this was a pleasant climb.  The summit is small, rocky and uneven but there is a grassy area to the right of the Cross where I set up my Sotapole and a rocky area suitable for sitting down.

I self spotted on 20m and enjoyed 32 QSOs in total across 20m and 40m. I did try 15m as the 40m elements of my inverted V are reasonably resonant on 15 but there were no takers.

Larry F5PYI asked what POTA park the summit was in and with his help looking up the maidenhead locator he advised that it fell under 2 parks: FR3082 & FR0764.  He kindly spotted me on the POTA site and some of the subsequent QSOs came from the POTA community.  It is certainly worth including POTA to increase your chances of success as many summits will lie in national parks.

Next activation TK/TK-008 Monte Renoso

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