A straightforward ascent among amazing rock formations, 6 points
The visitor centre provides some parking, but this was full with cars and coaches when I arrived. The attendant suggested I park on the road, but to ensure all 4 wheels were off the road. I found a convenient spot near the start of the trail.
The trail is well marked and straightforward to the top, requiring only a bit of rock scrambling to get to the summit. The site was busy with school geography trips filling the coaches I saw in the car park. I saw swvweal groups being lectured on the geological formations, which were stunnung. Fortunately none of these groups went to the summit, in fact I saw no one for the hour or so I was activating.
I found a handy spot to support my sotapole within a few rocks and supported with the cord against the wind.
I made 13 SSB QSOs on 20m, no takers on 40m plus 5 on 15m. 3 QSOs were Summit to Summit.
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